Science is meant to be shared

The warmest thanks to all the participants of last IMol Science Club talk by Piotr Szwedziak. Almost all of you have stayed until the very last minute of Q&A session, so we dare to hope that you like it. 😉

This talk was the first one from the cycle of lectures we would like to present to you each month. There will be IMol’s scientists presenting their work as well as the speakers from other research center. The IMol Science Club is coordinated by Piotr Szwedziak.

Science is meant to be shared

Sharing ideas and results of scientific work, frequently unpublished, and subjecting them to constructive criticism by your peers is an inherent part of scientific endeavour. It is of utmost importance in newly established institutes, which still have to develop their identity, such as IMol. Seminars organised in the ISC series will facilitate achieving several goals, e.g.: spreading the news about IMol’s scientific activities, opportunities to meet world-class researchers (external speakers will be invited) and helping developing critical thinking skills among junior researchers. We hope that the ISC seminars will be organised on a monthly basis and will be available not only for IMol’s employees but also other researchers in the country and abroad.

~ Piotr Szwedziak – ISClub Coordinator

Talks in June

Please join us in June for the talk by Dr. Karolina Szczepanowska a very new Research Group Leader in our team. “Safeguarding a beautiful beast. The quality control of respiratory Complex I” – intriguing title, isn’t it?

Book your time on 23rd June, 2 pm.

On June 30th we are going to present to you the lecture by Dr. Wojciech Galej, from European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Grenoble (France). So tay tuned for details!

Registration and information on upcoming events you can find here: IMol Science Club

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