Agnieszka Chacińska published in Life Science Alliance

Zaktualizowano: 30 gru 2022

A new paper dealing with the localization of mRNA on the surface of mitochondria in a model organism of zebrafish has just been published in Life Science Alliance. Agnieszka is the publication’s corresponding author.

As Agnieszka says, “The cell is a complicated structure. Many processes are organized spatially, mainly in the eukaryotic cells. We wondered whether the synthesis of mitochondrial proteins is coupled to their import to mitochondria. We also checked how mitochondrial stress affects this situation.”

The new paper is the result of the collaboration of bioinformaticians, cell biologists and developmental biologists from three different institutions: Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences; International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and IMol.

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We thank our collaborators: Barbara Uszczyńska-Ratajczak Cecilia Winata Sreedevi Sugunan

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