Group leaders (2 positions)

We are hiring for Group Leader positions


The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines Polish Academy of Sciences (IMol) seeks candidates for the positions of Group Leader. We are looking for dynamic group leaders to establish independent research groups and to develop ambitious and innovative research programmes at the molecular and biochemical level, complementing the existing research at IMol. We encourage outstanding researchers, both young and already established, to apply for the post.

IMol is a new research institute, led by Profs. Agnieszka Chacińska and Magda Konarska, and it is in a phase of dynamic development. IMol offers a stimulating and interdisciplinary research environment and research opportunities of the large biomedical campus. IMol laboratories are based in a new, great location at Flanders Business Park, Flisa street no 6, Warsaw. IMol has access to state-of-the-art technology, excellent core facilities and supportive administration. Information about us can be found at

The new positions can start anytime. IMol offers furnished laboratory space, possibly with limited start-up funds. The new research groups will be expected to secure extramural, national and international funding. Poland offers easy access to public research funds and grant applications will be supported by IMol.

Successful candidates will have:
  • PhD degree in molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, biomedicine, bioinformatics, biophysics, chemistry or similar and adequate post-doctoral experience,
  • Outstanding record of scientific achievements reflected by publication record,
  • Original and independent research programme,
  • Strong leadership complemented by ability to collaborate,
  • Research in the bioinformatics field will be an additional asset.
Applications must be written in English and prepared as a single pdf file including:
  • Cover letter,
  • Curriculum Vitae including a list of publications,
  • Description of 1-3 most important scientific achievements (max. 2 pages),
  • Summary (max. 2 pages) of the applicant’s future research plans,
  • Contact details for 2 professional referees who can be contacted for recommendation letters.

To allow us to process your data, please include the following statement in your application:

“I hereby consent to have my personal data processed by The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines Polish Academy of Sciences, with its registered office at Flisa 6, 02-247 Warsaw for the purpose of carrying out a recruitment process. I have been informed of my rights and duties. I understand that provision of my personal data is voluntary.”

Inquiries about the offer, research environment and science in Poland are welcome and should be sent to Dr. Michał Wrzesiński (

Applications should be submitted to by the 15th of June 2023.
Please, use “Research Group Leader application” as the title of your message.
Short-listed candidates will be invited for the second stage of recruitment comprising a talk at a mini-symposium and an interview to be held on 12-13th of September 2023 during the IMol Scientific Board meeting. The results of the first stage of recruitment will be distributed at the beginning of August.