IMol May 31, 2024

Anna Marusiak at FASEB

We are happy to announce that our Group Leader, Dr. Anna Marusiak, is selected to speak at Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology – FASEB  “Cell Signaling in Cancer: From Mechanisms to Therapy ” Conference in the USA (19th June). Earlier, on May 28, Ania will also give an open lecture within Cancer Fight […]

IMol May 31, 2024

IMol Science Club with Dr. Jan Kosiński

Join our next edition of IMol Science Club with Dr. Jan Kosiński. Jan is a Group Leader and Co-chair of Infection Biology Transversal Theme at European Molecular Biology Laboratory – EMBL in Hamburg. His group investigates viruses and parasites using structural and systems biology approaches. In his lecture Jan will talk about past work on […]

IMol May 31, 2024

Selected speakers

We are glad to announce that two IMol scientists are selected for oral presentations at international conferences: Dr. Veronica Bazzani EMBO – excellence in life sciences  workshop “Molecular biology of mitochondrial gene maintenance and expression” 19–23 May 2024, PL-Jozefów Selected speaker Joshua McHale European Light Microscopy Initiative 2024 4-7 June 2024, UK-Liverpool Flash oral talk […]

IMol May 27, 2024

Join IMol administration team!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In posuere magna mi, accumsan pulvinar enim consequat in. Fusce quis elit at tellus semper interdum a ut metus. Mauris blandit velit in elit viverra vulputate. Morbi viverra dolor ligula, a suscipit ante ullamcorper vitae. Proin dignissim facilisis justo non lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam commodo odio nec vehicula efficitur. Donec sagittis orci id placerat faucibus. Nam felis neque, tincidunt non risus sed, elementum lacinia sapien. Vivamus mollis pulvinar blandit. Aenean nec dui arcu. Phasellus rhoncus tellus sed eros elementum elementum. Donec blandit pulvinar ipsum.

IMol May 27, 2024

100 tysięcy dolarów prywatnej dotacji dla instytutu naukowego PAN

Zaktualizowano: 9 maj Warszawa, 8 maja 2024 INFORMACJA PRASOWA: 100 tysięcy dolarów prywatnej dotacji dla najmłodszego instytutu naukowego PAN   IMol, Międzynarodowy Instytut Mechanizmów i Maszyn Molekularnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, otrzymał prawie pół miliona złotych prywatnej dotacji od swojej współzałożycielki, prof. Magdy Konarskiej. Jest to jedna z nielicznych tego typu dotacji od osoby prywatnej dla państwowego […]

IMol May 27, 2024

IMol Science Club with Prof. Michele Vendruscolo

Join our next edition of IMol Science Club with Prof. Michele Vendruscolo from University of Cambridge. Michele’s group studies the physico-chemical principles of proteins homeostasis and their application to the development of therapeutic strategies. He made significant contributions to the study of protein folding, misfolding, and aggregation. He also developed computational approaches designed to predict […]

IMol May 27, 2024

A poster session

A poster session was held on April 17th during the meeting of our Scientific Board. At this internal event IMol researchers had the opportunity to present their scientific work to our Board members. If you’re interested in learning more about our scientists’ research interests, you can find detailed descriptions of research groups on our website.

IMol May 27, 2024

The Deputy Minister of Science at IMol

During the meeting of the IMol Scientific Board we were honored to host Professor Maciej Gdula, the Deputy Minister of Science from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Chair of the Board, Prof. Philip Sharp (MIT), and Prof. Ehud Gazit (Tel Aviv University), joined online. We would like to thank Minister Gdula for […]

IMol May 27, 2024

IMol Scientific Board meeting

IMol Scientific Board members met to discuss challenges and future development of IMol. The Chair of the Board, Prof. Phillip Sharp, joined online. We are glad to host and be advised by such respected and internationally recognized researchers from all over the world. Read more about our Scientific Board:

IMol May 27, 2024

New study from our scientists in EMBO Reports!

The research reveals how targeting protein phosphatases can enhance efficiency of immunotherapy by affecting the spliceosome. Collaborating with Prof. Rene Bernards’ group at Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Dr. Vladyslava Liudkovska and Dr. Maciej Cieśla from Mol raise a prospect of combining splicing targeting approaches with inhibition of phosphatases PP2A/PP5 in colon cancer. Congratulations to Maciej, Vlada […]

IMol September 27, 2022

A Mitochondrial Etiology of Common Diseases

Join us for the next edition of IMol Science Club with Prof. Douglas C. Wallace. This event is a follow-up of the Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week internationally celebrated on 18-24.09.2022. Our guest, Prof. Douglas C. Wallace, is a geneticist at the University of Pennsylvania and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. He pioneered the […]

Awards May 24, 2022

NCN OPUS 22 grant goes to Dr Maciej Cieśla

Happy to announce that Dr Maciej Cieśla was awarded the NCN OPUS 22 grant, being No.1 on the ranking list in NZ3 panel. The project aims to understand how activation of blood stem cells is regulated at the level of splicing. It will thus help to understand how stem cells are wired to embrace specific […]

IMol May 19, 2022

Protein Import Regulation of Mitochondrial Quality Control

Let us meet during the next Science Club seminar. This time the topic “Protein Import Regulation of Mitochondrial Quality Control” will be discussed. The meeting will be run by Prof. Richard Youle from the National Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, US. See you on June 8th. The seminar is free and open to […]

IMol May 18, 2022

About IMol

We encourage you to look inside the latest issue of NAUKA INNOWACJE BIZNES magazine. Find a minute to read an interview with Prof. Agnieszka Chacińska and learn more about our Institute.

Awards May 16, 2022

FNP Start 2022 stipend

We’re happy to announce that Dr Vanessa Linke has been awarded with the FNP Start 2022 stipend. Congratulations Vanessa!

Events May 13, 2022

Symposium in Goettingen

On May 10, 2022, scientists from the ReMedy programme participated in the Symposium “Bridging the scales of molecular machines – from structure to function“. It was held in Goettingen, Germany, and organized within the framework of Sonderforschungsbereich 1190: Compartmental Gates and Contact Sites in Cells (SFB 1190).

IMol May 8, 2022

The colliding ribosome as a hub for translational regulation

Save the date and join the Science Club seminar on May 18th. This time Prof. Rachel Green from Johns Hopkins University will focus on the issues related to the colliding ribosome as a hub for translational regulation. It is a great opportunity to get to know the latest findings. The seminar is free and open […]

IMol April 27, 2022

Intercepting SARS-CoV-2 with nanobodies

The next seminar at the IMol Science Club will be conducted in person by Prof. Jim Naismith from Rosalind Franklin Institute. He will focus on “Intercepting SARS-CoV-2 with nanobodies”. May 4th, 2022, 2 PM CET CeNT Lecture Hall Warsaw, 2C Banacha Str. Prof. Jim Naismith Intercepting SARS-CoV-2 with nanobodies The seminar is open for public. […]

IMol April 19, 2022

Highly cited researcher

Congratulations to Prof. Agnieszka Chacińska for being ranked #5 in Poland in the 2022 Edition of ranking of Top 1000 Scientists in the area of Biology and Biochemistry. The ranking is based on the h-index, number of citations and scientific papers published in the field of Biology and Biochemistry.

IMol April 14, 2022

Happy Easter!

IMol team is wishing you a Happy Easter filled with lots of spring joy and hope!

IMol April 5, 2022

Pseudouridine-driven programmes in stem cells and cancer

If you are interested in stem cells, join our next Science Club seminar. Dr. Maciej Cieśla – the Leader Group of IMol’s Laboratory of Stem Cell RNA Metabolism will talk about Pseudouridine-driven programmes in stem cells and cancer. He will present his findings and analyses. Join the group of listeners. April 13th, 2022, 2 pm. […]

IMol March 23, 2022

We are hiring for Group Leader positions!

Big chance for dynamic candidates to take up the position of Group Leader in our Institute! We are looking for experienced scientists to set up independent research groups and to develop ambitious and innovative research programmes at the molecular and biochemical level, complementing the existing research projects at IMol. Please, read more about our offer […]

IMol March 20, 2022

Fundamental and applied studies on paramyxovirus persistence and defective interfering particle

This is the subject of our next IMol Science Club. Join us and listen to Dr. Richard Randall from the University of St Andrews, UK. He is going to share his interesting theses and findings to date. March 30th, 2022, 2 PM CET Richard Randall Fundamental and applied studies on paramyxovirus persistence and defective interfering […]

Events March 15, 2022

Molecular mechanisms of health and disease – this is the subject of Anniversary IMol Symposium.

This is a unique forum for presenting our research and bringing together established and early career researchers to discuss new developments in science. The meeting will feature a Keynote talk from Prof. Peter Rehling, invited presentations from Drs. Sebastian Glatt, Kinga Kamieniarz-Gdula and Krzysztof Szade, together with talks given by several IMol group leaders. The […]

IMol March 10, 2022

Special offer for scientists from Ukraine

To apply by our fast-track recruitment route, email us to a dedicated address: and include the most important information about your education, degree, research interests and experience. Our recruitments open now and coming soon: Please follow our website to see current openings if you’re interested in specific projects, but it’s also absolutely fine […]

IMol March 8, 2022

Uncovering the link between the Hippo pathway and circadian clock

The next seminar at the IMol Science Club will be devoted to the circadian clock. Please, join us and listen to our colleague who is going to share very interesting results of his research. March 16th, 2022, 2 PM CET Abdelhalim Azzi Uncovering the link between the Hippo pathway and circadian clock The seminar is […]

IMol March 4, 2022

IMol for scientists from Ukraine

This is a shoutout to biologists, technicians, biotechnologists, bioinformaticians from Ukraine. We’re opening a fast-track recruitment opportunity for scientists from Ukraine to join our Institute. The recruitment procedure is simplified especially for you. We accept informal inquiries, simplified applications, as well as short messages. Just email us to a dedicated address: and include the […]

IMol March 2, 2022

Dr. Piotr Gerlach joins IMol!

We love news like this one! We are happy to announce that Dr. Piotr Gerlach, will join the IMol team in the following months! His research project “Mechanism of the bunyaviral transcription-translation coupling” has been just awarded with EMBO Installation Grant 2020, which is granted each year, to the talented, early-career scientists who are in […]

IMol March 7, 2021

Meet the new Scientific Board of IMol

On the of March, The President of Polish Academy of sciences has approved the new Scientific Board of IMol. The Chairman of the SB is prof. Phillip A. Sharp of MIT, Nobel Laureate.

IMol January 26, 2021

Dr. Piotr Gerlach joins IMol!

We love news like this one! We are happy to announce that Dr. Piotr Gerlach, will join the IMol team in the following months! His research project “Mechanism of the bunyaviral transcription-translation coupling” has been just awarded with EMBO Installation Grant 2020, which is granted each year, to the talented, early-career scientists who are in […]