IMol May 31, 2024

Anna Marusiak at FASEB

We are happy to announce that our Group Leader, Dr. Anna Marusiak, is selected to speak at Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology – FASEB  “Cell Signaling in Cancer: From Mechanisms to Therapy ” Conference in the USA (19th June). Earlier, on May 28, Ania will also give an open lecture within Cancer Fight […]

IMol May 31, 2024

IMol Science Club with Dr. Jan Kosiński

Join our next edition of IMol Science Club with Dr. Jan Kosiński. Jan is a Group Leader and Co-chair of Infection Biology Transversal Theme at European Molecular Biology Laboratory – EMBL in Hamburg. His group investigates viruses and parasites using structural and systems biology approaches. In his lecture Jan will talk about past work on […]

IMol May 31, 2024

Selected speakers

We are glad to announce that two IMol scientists are selected for oral presentations at international conferences: Dr. Veronica Bazzani EMBO – excellence in life sciences  workshop “Molecular biology of mitochondrial gene maintenance and expression” 19–23 May 2024, PL-Jozefów Selected speaker Joshua McHale European Light Microscopy Initiative 2024 4-7 June 2024, UK-Liverpool Flash oral talk […]

IMol May 27, 2024

Join IMol administration team!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In posuere magna mi, accumsan pulvinar enim consequat in. Fusce quis elit at tellus semper interdum a ut metus. Mauris blandit velit in elit viverra vulputate. Morbi viverra dolor ligula, a suscipit ante ullamcorper vitae. Proin dignissim facilisis justo non lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam commodo odio nec vehicula efficitur. Donec sagittis orci id placerat faucibus. Nam felis neque, tincidunt non risus sed, elementum lacinia sapien. Vivamus mollis pulvinar blandit. Aenean nec dui arcu. Phasellus rhoncus tellus sed eros elementum elementum. Donec blandit pulvinar ipsum.

IMol May 27, 2024

100 tysięcy dolarów prywatnej dotacji dla instytutu naukowego PAN

Zaktualizowano: 9 maj Warszawa, 8 maja 2024 INFORMACJA PRASOWA: 100 tysięcy dolarów prywatnej dotacji dla najmłodszego instytutu naukowego PAN   IMol, Międzynarodowy Instytut Mechanizmów i Maszyn Molekularnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, otrzymał prawie pół miliona złotych prywatnej dotacji od swojej współzałożycielki, prof. Magdy Konarskiej. Jest to jedna z nielicznych tego typu dotacji od osoby prywatnej dla państwowego […]

IMol May 27, 2024

IMol Science Club with Prof. Michele Vendruscolo

Join our next edition of IMol Science Club with Prof. Michele Vendruscolo from University of Cambridge. Michele’s group studies the physico-chemical principles of proteins homeostasis and their application to the development of therapeutic strategies. He made significant contributions to the study of protein folding, misfolding, and aggregation. He also developed computational approaches designed to predict […]

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